Sometimes winter breaks can feel really long! While I love spending the extra time with Journey, keeping her busy can be quite challenging. So we are going to use the break to learn more about our family—and have some fun along the way. I’m sharing our project so that you can do it too!
Since we plan to be with family for most of the break, I thought Journey and her cousins would enjoy taking the Super Fun Holiday Challenge. All kids need to participate is paper, a pencil, markers, crayons and paint. The challenge include several activities so you can decide how many days you want the kids to play depending on your holiday plans. Here’s how it works:
Enclose this contract in an envelope with your kid’s name and present it to them. I found it worked better when Journey didn’t know that the challenge was coming from me.
It says that they have been selected to participate in the Super Fun Holiday Challenge during the holiday break. They will get a prize when the challenge is complete. The prize doesn’t have to be anything fancy—especially since it’s the holiday season. You can get creative and give certificates that are good for one extra hour of television, an extra story at bedtime, something extra for dessert—you get the idea.
The rules are simple:
1. You have to spend some time each day working on the challenge until it is complete.
2. You cannot watch television while you are working on the challenge. This should be a given, but most kids are really good with finding loopholes so I wanted to be specific.
3. You should ask for help when you need it.
After they read it and sign, they are allowed to open an envelope next to it with their name on it that contains the challenge.
Kids will have fun deciding different elements of their talk show, conducting interviews, playing games and learning more about family history and traditions. And you might learn a few things too!
Download your Super Fun Holiday Challenge kit and get your kids in on the fun!
Happy Holidays!