Overcoming Being Overwhelmed

I have so much to do I don’t where to start. My husband left this week to start a new position in another state. So I am temporarily a married single person—again. And as soon as he walked out the door, the pilot on the hot water tank went out, the smoke detector started chirping because the battery needs to be changed and it snowed! It’s like the house knew he had just left! On top of that, I have 3 weeks to pack up our house to move (and everything that goes along with it) to a house that we have yet to find. All while I continue to run my business—oh, and manage my blog. And let’s not forget about this arctic blast that had me stuck in the house with a 7-year-old for 3 days!
I’m so overwhelmed, I’m paralyzed. Sometimes I find myself walking in a circle until I’m dizzy trying to decide what do next. Here are the strategies I decided to implement to get through it:
Follow my own advice.
In my last post, I listed 9 things that I would not do in 2014. Beating myself up about what I have yet to accomplish is one of them. Although my current to-do list is as long as I am tall, I can only do so much in a day. Each night before I go to bed, I will make a smaller, prioritized list for the next day. And I won’t freak out if I have to carry an item or 2 over to the following day.
Ask for help when I need it.
I admit it—I suffer from Superwoman Syndrome. Family or friends need anything, I’m right there. Do I need anything? No I’m good, I’ve got it all covered. I’m the one that always has it all together—always in control. The problem with being superwoman is that when it really does become too much, you are almost ashamed to ask for help. What will they think of me if they realize I can’t do it all? What if they find out that I’m actually human? But rather than starting the New Year with an old pattern, I am electing to make a conscious effort to ask for help when I need it. And with all that I have to get done this month, the timing couldn’t be better.
Keep calm and carry on.
I tend to have this awful anxiety whenever I have to prepare for a long trip or a big event. I spend the whole time leading up to it stressing about how impossible it will be to get it all done before my deadline. And every time, it all works out. I am sure this time won’t be any different. At least that’s what I will repeat to myself each time I feel my chest tighten between now and moving day. Maybe my superwoman cape will back from the dry cleaner by then:)
What strategies do you use to overcome being overwhelmed?