Super Fun Summer Challenge | Week 5

We are heading into the Super Fun Summer Challenge Week 5! Journey is having a blast and I hope your kids are too. Before I get into next week’s challenge, I’ll quickly recap week 3.
The challenge for week 3 was to write a play. Journey’s play was called “Story of the Stars.” It was about a little boy named JoJo that loves to watch the stars before bedtime. So his grandfather tells him a story about a star that falls to earth and needs help finding his way back to his family. She performed a song that she wrote called “You Can Change the Sky.”
To create the costume, we cut out a star from a piece of poster board, sprayed it with adhesive and sprinkled it with glitter. She used her stuffed animals to play most of the parts. She even took the assignment one step further by creating a ticket and program.
As we wrap up this week’s eco-superhero challenge tomorrow, see the challenge for week 5 below.
Have fun!