Ways To Support Your Teen During The College Admissions Process

The college admissions process can be a rollercoaster of emotions for both parents and teens alike, filled with excitement, anxiety, and stress. But with your guidance, support, and encouragement, you can help them smoothly navigate this path. In this episode we’ll share ways you can support your teen during the college admissions process.
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We are knee deep in the college admissions process. And it is nothing like the process I went through when I was applying. It’s complex, confusing and expensive. Now that all the applications have been submitted and the hardest part is in the rear view for us, we wanted to share what we learned and some tips to help you through it.
Applying to college is a team effort, and having a good support system can make all the difference. There are so many healthy ways you can support your teen during the college admissions process while encouraging independence. Be patient, let them lead the process but don’t be afraid to nudge them when you feel like they are getting off track.