Starting the day off in the right head space can set the tone for the rest of the day. I’ve never been a morning person. But as I get older, I realize the benefits of waking up early. I am more positive and productive throughout the day. Having a healthy morning routine has given me more control of my schedule and lowered my stress. I’ve also been able to develop some healthy habits that make me feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.
Want to win the day with a healthy morning routine? Here’s where to start…
Get up early
Most people lie in bed until the last possible second. When they do get up, there’s only enough time to get ready and barely make it to work on time. Getting up early gives you time to ease into your day and get through your healthy morning routine with time to spare. You’ll have to experiment personally with the ideal time to get up. But you can start by both going to bed and waking up 15 minutes earlier than usual. Keep doing this in 15-minute increments until you figure out your sweet spot for the wake-up time that works best for you. Follow these tips if you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep.
Skip the snooze button
Do you feel groggy even after 8 hours of sleep? The trouble could be your snooze button. It interrupts your body’s natural waking process. That can cause sleep inertia that lasts for hours. Personally, I don’t like to be jolted out of my sleep by an alarm and then jump right out of bed. So I don’t hit snooze, but I do set my alarm 15 minutes earlier than I need to so that when I wake up, I don’t have to rush right out of bed.
Drink some water
You may want to postpone your first cup of coffee and drink some water instead. After 7+ hours without any fluids, your body is craving it. Water will rehydrate your organs and make you feel more alert. I prefer mine with a squeeze of lemon. Water with lemon alkalizes your body and starts up your system. Keep your bottle of water by the bed so it’s easy for you to remember to drink it.
Don’t look at your phone
When you wake up in the morning, it’s tempting to roll over and check your phone. But that wastes time and distracts you from starting your day. And depending on what you see, it can stress you out and mess with your mood. Try to wait at least an hour to get through your morning routine and in the right mindset to take on the day.
Enjoy a morning stretch
Stretching alleviates tension and pain from sleep and gently moves fluid back into place. It also increases blood flow to the muscles and joints. Not to mention, it feels amazing!
Eat breakfast
Breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and helps you burn calories throughout the day. If your body doesn’t get its morning fuel, you can end up feeling drained. And that can leave you more likely to overeat later in the day. Having a meal plan for breakfast can help take the stress out of eating on the go or make poor choices.
And don’t forget to take your vitamins to ensure your body gets the additional vitamins and minerals it needs. I take Mary Ruth’s Organics Morning Liquid Vitamins. They are a bit pricey compared to other multivitamins but I noticed a significant difference in the way I feel versus other brands I’ve tried.
Drink some tea
Consider swapping out your morning coffee (or at least the first cup) with a cup of tea. Tea, especially green tea, is equally calming and energizing, which is a great tone to set for your day. Tea is full of antioxidants and healing qualities, preparing your immune system for any stressors that you may encounter during the day. I add honey and 2 scoops of Vital Collagen to my tea to help keep my skin beautiful and my joints healthy.
Whether it’s a morning jog or a quick HIIT routine, do something to get your blood moving. Exercise will give you an energy boost that can last throughout the day.
Get some fresh air
If you can’t get outside to exercise, step on the porch or balcony to breathe in some fresh air. When it’s not too cold, I like to walk the dog early in the morning. It gives me a chance to enjoy the quiet, listen to music, podcasts, or just be with my own thoughts.
Enjoy some quiet time
It’s nice to have a few minutes to meditate, go over your goals, or just relax. This time also eliminates that rushed feeling most people have every morning. Consider using this time to read, pray, or repeat affirmations.
Review your schedule for the day
Make a list of tasks and review your goals to get a good mental picture of what your day will look like. Block out your time so that you can focus on your priorities. Remember to schedule a few breaks to recalibrate throughout the day.
Pack a lunch
Making time in your morning to pack what you food you are going to eat throughout the day can help you stay on track with nutrition and budget goals. Make sure to get a healthy balance of fats, veggies, healthy carbs and protein!
Stick to your routine on the weekend
Keeping your schedule consistent on the weekend helps your body maintain balance. Sleeping in on the weekends throws off your circadian rhythm and can make it much harder for you to wake up early on Monday. I allow my sleep schedule to fluctuate no more than an hour on the weekends so that my body stays on schedule. And I find that I wake up naturally within 30 minutes of my normal wake up time.
This might seem like a lot to do each morning. But developing a healthy morning routine can really change your life. With a little experimenting, you’ll quickly figure out the best morning routine that works for you. By the end of the day, you’re beat anyway. Most people accomplish very little after 9:00 pm. Go to bed early and get up early. You’ll get a great jump on the day before anyone else even gets out of bed. And your new morning routine will be a perfect start to help you win the day!