Raise your hand if you work while you are supposed to be on vacation. Please don’t feel bad. I’m totally guilty too. But working while you’re supposed to be taking a break can negatively impact your relationships, take you away from the present moment, and put you in a funky mood. The next thing you know, it’s time to go back to work, and you still don’t feel like you’ve had a vacation. So I’m proposing that we try something different this year and make a plan to enjoy our time off. Here are 6 ways to relax during the holiday break.
6 Ways To Relax During The Holiday Break
1. Enable your out-of-office message
This lets people know emails aren’t your priority right now, and you won’t be responding immediately.
2. Don’t check your work email
Checking email while you are on vacation is counterproductive to taking a break. If you feel you must, read them but do not respond.
3. Don’t set your alarm or at least sleep in
Don’t feel obligated to start the day as bright and early as usual. Take a break from your daily grind and get some extra rest.
4. Take a break from your devices
Focus on taking care of your needs, hanging with family, etc., and spending less time on electronics.
5. Don’t be afraid to say “no”
As much as you want to, you just don’t have time to do all the things. Rather than try, give yourself permission to opt out of invites and activities that can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Say yes to things that align with your priorities and that you enjoy.
6. Schedule some “me” time
The holidays are hectic, so make sure you steal some alone time to do something you enjoy. Go shopping, read a book, spend time on a hobby, or with family and friends.
Don’t let what is supposed to be a joyous time of the year leave you feeling drained and exhausted. Prioritize your peace, relax, and enjoy this holiday season!