7 Things Your Teen Wants You To Know But Won’t Tell You

The space between childhood and adulthood is awkward and uncomfortable. And as much as your teen might want to communicate, sometimes they hide the way they feel because they don’t want you to get mad or judge them. But if your teen could tell you one thing and know that you would listen and truly understand, what would they say? In this episode, we’re revealing 7 things that your teen wants you to know but won’t tell you.
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We talk a lot about how hard the teen years are for both parents and teens on this podcast. It includes physical, mental, and emotional developments that are difficult to process. And even though your teen might not talk to you as much as they used to, they still need you. They want to share so many things with you, but they don’t always know how. This conversation will help you gain a better understanding of what your teen is really thinking and what they need from you.
In this episode, we discuss…
- How you can learn from your teen
- Why you should admit that you are wrong when you make a mistake
- How to keep the line of communication open to dissolve barriers between you and your teen
- Why it’s important to listen to and respect each other’s opinions
- How sharing common experiences can help you bond with your teen
- The fears they have about entering adulthood
- Why you should spend more time teaching your teen life skills
- How you might be criticizing your teen without realizing it
- How to know when to give advice and when to listen
- Why it’s important to teach your kids how to advocate for themselves
- The fine line between giving your kids privacy and keeping them safe
Now that you are aware of at least 7 things that your teen wants you to know but won’t tell you, use this information to spark conversation with your teen. And if they are comfortable enough to start a conversation with you about anything they are feeling, something you did, or what they might be going through, be calm, be patient and listen. It will go a long way in strengthening your relationship.
Be inspired,