Journey and I went to a pumpkin festival at an orchard. It was my first time visiting a real pumpkin patch and picking my own pumpkins. Since we had so many, Journey asked if we could make pumpkin muffins. Of course!read more[...]
Journey and I went to a pumpkin festival at an orchard. It was my first time visiting a real pumpkin patch and picking my own pumpkins. Since we had so many, Journey asked if we could make pumpkin muffins. Of course!read more[...]
It seems that I'm starting to love pumpkin just as much as I do sweet potatoes. Lately, I've been adding it to everything—including chocolate chip cookies. I'm not sure why I decided to make them gluten-free. I guess I was just curious about whether gluten-free baked goods could be as tasty as those that contain gluten. And based on this cookie recipe, they absolutely c[...]
I’ll let you in on a little secret…I am not smarter than a third grader. Especially when it comes to math. Not the math that served my generation and the many before me just fine (although, truth be told, I wasn’t that great at that math either:). The new math. Common Core math. The math that takes you around the block when all you want to do is go across the street. read more[...]
It’s the beginning of a new school year, and teachers have been busy setting classroom goals and expectations for their students. But it’s also important to spend some time at home discussing what your children want to achieve this school year and what you expect. Having children set academic and personal goals for the school year can empower them to think independently and build se[...]
Today was officially J's first day of school. I can't wait to pick her up to ask her how her day was just so she can reply, "good." Does this happen to you? You want to know what your kids have been up to in school but all you get is a one word answer. read more[...]
During Journey’s last week of summer camp, she was given a nice parting gift—a wicked case of head lice. Gross! Unfortunately, I had just dropped her off to spend two weeks with family as I headed out of town for work. As a result, it took a week before the creepy crawlers were more[...]
It’s back to school time already! I'm always looking for creative ways to welcome kids back to school and what better way than to show them a little Lunchbox Love!read more[...]
The summer is winding down and so is the Super Fun Summer Challenge. See the recap for week 4 below: read more
OMG! I can't believe it's already August! The summer just started and it's almost over. We only have 2 weeks left before the Super Fun Summer Challenge ends. Here's a quick recap of week 3:read more[...]
Journey has finished camp for the summer and has taken her challenge on the road. I am so glad I have this to keep her busy! As we wrap up the challenge for week 3, here’s a quick recap of week more[...]