10 Ways To Ruin Your Relationship With Your Teen

Maintaining a healthy relationship with your teen takes effort. All parents make mistakes, and despite our best intentions our words and actions can strengthen the relationship or break it. In this episode, we discuss 10 ways to ruin your relationship with your teen and how to avoid them.
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So I’ve always been really intentional about how I communicate with my daughter to nurture our relationship. And while I don’t think there are any parents who are trying to ruin their relationship with their kids on purpose, there are some that are doing just that. In fact, I’m sure there many more than 10 ways to ruin your relationship with your teen but this list is a pretty good place to start.
In this episode, we discuss…
- Ways that you embarrass your kids
- What happens when you are besties with your kids
- Why you need to encourage independence
- How your criticism affects their self-esteem
- What happens when you compare your kids to others
- How to give your kids room to make mistakes
- Different ways to support your kids
- Why your kids don’t share their feelings with you
- How to build trust with your kids
It’s not easy to hear that you might be the reason that you don’t have the best relationship with your teen. But if you are willing to admit your mistakes and be more intentional with your words and actions, you can work to rebuild your relationship with your teen. It’s never too late to try. There’s always hope that you can make it better.