How To Help Your Teen Deal With Peer Pressure

We’ve all desired to be liked and fit in with our peers. It’s normal for teens to pull away from their parent’s influence as their friends’ opinions become more important to them. But they need to understand the difference between peer pressure that has a positive influence and negative pressure that can cause them to engage in risky behavior. In this episode, we discuss how to help your teen deal with peer pressure and balance encouraging their independence while keeping them safe.
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In this episode we discuss…
- Why peer pressure is not always a bad thing
- Why your teen needs to choose friend wisely
- How to help your teen choose the right friends
- How your behavior affects the friends your teen chooses
- Why teens need to be in charge of themselves
- Why it’s important to be a leader
- How to help your teen get comfortable with expressing their feelings
- Why managing your digital footprint is essential to your future
- Why it’s important to keep an open line of communication with your teen
While your teen continues to test boundaries as they explore the world around them, their friend’s opinions can influence them positively or negatively. Talking to your teens about dealing with peer pressure can give them the confidence to say no when it matters. And of course, letting them know they can come to you for guidance and support is always a good idea!